I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Haley

Thanks for stopping by! I’m not the best with words but here we go…

My why

I’m a mother to 3 kids that keep me on my toes. They are my reason. When I’m not behind the camera, I’m probably behind the computer screen editing your pictures. (bad dad joke?)

BUT when I’m not working, you can find me painting, homeschooling my oldest, petting dogs, and drinking alllll the cold brew.

How I got here

I grew up with a couple of professional photographers in my family and some of my clearest childhood memories are taking pictures with my family. I photographed my toys and pets with disposable cameras frequently. While I always thought it was fun to freeze time, my passion really took off with documenting my childrens’ lives. In 2014, my mom gifted me my first “real” camera at my firstborn’s baby shower. (thanks mom) I quickly jumped headfirst into family photography with the encouragement of a few friends. Soon after, I tip toed into wedding photography and the rest is history.

My passion

With every wedding I document, I fall more in love with what I do. It’s an honor to watch your day unfold and to document it along the way. I’m here to capture the emotions of the day so you can revisit them forever.